art auto industry bailout and debt budget and spending business capitalism charitable deductions china community cost of living covid data democracy discounting economic development economic impact economic recovery economic theory economics economy education election energy environment europe family and households federal government federal reserve finance forecast foreign policy gaming gov. daniels administration gov. holcomb administration gov. pence administration government growth health care holiday and seasonal housing immigration incentives income and wages independence indiana inequality and poverty innovation insurance and worker benefits intangibles international jobs and employment journalism and media law and public policy leadership management manufacturing market middle east midwest migration and population change military and veterans money supply monopoly patriotism people personal income and wealth politics pres. biden administration pres. obama administration pres. trump administration prices and inflation private sector productivity and efficiency profits public public services quality of life and placemaking recession reformers regulation research retail right-to-work and labor unions rural-urban divide russia schools k-12 social security society sports state and local government stimulus stocks and investment taxes technology and automation terrorism the middle class tourism trade transportation and logistics unemployment and the labor market united states of america value walmart women workforce and human capital
Sorting and Policy DivergenceWithout room for state-level differences in what it meant to be a Republican or Democrat, states began to align with national politics.
Time to Learn a Real-World Lesson from TariffsTariffs are designed with the hope of pushing down our trade deficit.
Thanksgiving 2024For Americans, particularly poorer Americans, the current economy has never been stronger.
The Degrowth Movement Is Wrong and ImmoralDegrowthers are terribly mistaken in three big ways.
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