March 10, 2013
The Sequester of the Future
Four months ago, in this column, I predicted we would drive off the fiscal cliff and that it would be "less injurious" than most believed, with the tax increase causing the most pain. We have now driven off that cliff and the dramatic reintroduction of payroll taxes makes this year’s tax increase most injurious to the working poor and the lower-to-middle income families. It would've been worse if the full Bush Tax cuts had been repealed, but the middle class votes in big numbers in mid-term elections. The president would have been ill advised to let the Bush Tax Cuts fully expire, and reveal as false the claim that they were primarily a tax cut for the rich. Still, disposable income plummeted more last January than any month on record (we started keeping these data in the Eisenhower administration). Things will get worse before they get better.
Last week, the second step of the sequester – the spending cuts – began. These are real cuts to spending, with measurable impacts that the administration sought to maximize for political gain. This is becoming tiresome, so I think it useful to talk a bit about the political economy of the end game.
There are two great debates at hand, one about the size and scope of government in the long run, the other about short-run federal policy towards the currently dismal economic climate.
Today we are in a bad spot. Unemployment is high, incomes have remained flat for several years, and, in an effort to extricate ourselves from this mess, our federal government has borrowed roughly $6,000,000,000,000 or about $40,000 per household. On the faith of our eventual fiscal discipline, we can still borrow this money at about a zero percent interest rate. Even modestly higher interest rates would be disastrous. To avoid this fate, we must demonstrate fiscal discipline. Like most economists, I think the best way to show we are grown ups is to handle large, long-term problems first. We could modestly change the Social Security eligibility age and impose a lifetime limit on Medicaid and other guaranteed programs. The sequester will achieve the same goal at much higher cost. We lack the courage and gumption to tackle the big problems, so we stand in longer lines at the airport instead.
Over the long run, we wrestle with the scope of government. In 2013, federal tax revenues are on path to set a record. This will prove stubbornly inconvenient news for those who argue our federal government is plagued by a revenue problem. Today we borrow 49 cents for every tax dollar we collect. At some not-too-distant point, we will have to collect more than we spend, and pay down the debt.
To do so, we can raise tax rates or cut spending dramatically. This will slow economic growth. Conversely, we could fix our tax system, making it more fair, while shifting our spending towards things that incentivize work and productivity. Given our current leadership, I'd wager we'll take the unnecessarily painful path.

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