November 3, 2008
Know the Issues - then Vote
It is election eve and any columnist would be remiss not say a word or two about the election. Let me begin by arguing against the tepid, thoughtless mantra to “Just Vote.” To be sure voting is important, indeed it is one of the few things worth both dying and killing for, but don’t “Just Vote.” The matter is too important to enter the solemnity of the voting booth without having instructed yourself on the issues. If you are ignorant of the topics, stay home.
Our nation is at war. We fight in places the media reports, and in far more places they do not. When we win in Iraq we shall still be at war, and when we win in Afghanistan we shall still be at war. Sadly, those who seek our collapse do not hate us for what we do, but for who we are. The policy choices against this enemy are neither clear nor easy. The next President will need to understand this.
The Federal government has a significant budget deficit. It is not yet a catastrophe, but well can be over the span of a single presidential term. Deep expenditures cuts are inevitable, the only question is how far out of hand will the deficit become before spending cuts are enacted?
Both Presidential candidates offer changes to tax policies. There are many rhetorical hyjinks from both candidates, as is to be expected in an election year. The stakes are terribly high. An error here can be far more costly to your family than a recession.
Our economy has slipped into a recession. At this time it looks to be modest in both depth and duration. However, there is no shortage of potential shocks that could dramatically alter this forecast. Courage and leadership will be in much demand this next year.
As a nation we balance environmental and energy concerns. These are real issues, but the solutions that have been offered to date are not. Wisdom, intellectual curiosity and pragmatism will be needed.
Both Senators McCain and Obama have much to recommend themselves for office. There are reasons to vote against both. It is hard to imagine a time, if ever, when we had a better set of choices. If you cannot make up your mind, please don’t vote.
At the state level the stakes are high, but not as encumbered by ideology. We will sorely need the candidate who can best ‘git ‘er done.’
I don’t endorse candidates, just policies. This year at least, there’s one really, really easy choice for Hoosiers. If you’ve just received your property assessment, and you think the assessment system works, just vote no on Tuesday.
If you haven’t bothered to learn about these issues, don’t stand in line with those who have. Whether or not you vote or have bothered to learn about the issues of our time there is one thing you can do Tuesday. Offer a heartfelt prayer for the next President of the United States.

About the Author
What Is Government Inefficiency?Different levels of government concern themselves with different problems.
I Am Confused by Tax ProposalsIndiana, like almost every other government in the world, taxes three things: wealth, consumption and income.
The End of DEI and a Call to ActionHow can we ensure that everyone has equal access to schooling, health care and economic opportunity?
The Medicaid DilemmaFor every one new job created in Indiana since 2010, we’ve had more than two new people enroll in Medicaid.
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