November 14, 2011
Indiana Elections, 2011
Writing this column as preliminary election results flood in is a tad bit hazardous, so I will try to stick with the fairly narrow fiscal matters that have revealed themselves in this election.
To preface this I must repeat a few unoriginal observations. First, elections hinge on lots of factors that make disentangling spending priorities and tax policies from likability or a desire for change or even the weather nearly impossible. Second, drawing some national trend from Indiana elections is fruitless. Local elections are local matters, and in this state—like so many—national politics at the local level is irrelevant. As I noted last week, Mayor Goodnight in Kokomo and Mayor McShurley in Muncie have both well executed exactly the same public policies in their cities. No foreign observer could ever deduce that they were from different political parties. Third, the public trust dramatically changes one’s perspective. It is easy to make promises while electioneering, and quite another thing to carry them out when confronted with the fullness of fact. I offer President Obama’s position on Guantanamo Bay as an example of an earnest pledge that proved impossible to execute. The quite honest truth is that in taking an oath of office, one’s perspective changes—which is precisely why we demand these oaths of public officials. That means many a campaign promise on taxes and public services is about to be ignored.
Despite these caveats, some trends emerge. Government consolidation did well in Yorktown and Mount Pleasant Township in Delaware County. I am perhaps a bit biased because my home is there, but the absolutely stunning victory for consolidation in this place suggests a wave of consolidation efforts may be looming.
School referendums did well in Indiana. Two relatively affluent districts in the Indianapolis suburbs with fine schools passed school levies for additional capital expenditures, while a similar referendum failed in a rural county with average schools. I predict that in a decade or less we’ll see a wave of these referendums pass as local government becomes better at assessing and explaining the costs and benefits of these types of proposals. As I have said before it is the value proposition in taxes, not the rate, that matters to voters.
Few other races provided clear results on fiscal matters. Insofar as I can tell, only in Muncie did significant promises to increase non-educational public services accompany a solid victory. Mayor-Elect Tyler won handily while promising to expand fire protection services, though the fiscal realities of Muncie will shortly provide an uncomfortable schooling on the verisimilitude of this campaign pledge. Muncie’s new mayor faces some of the toughest fiscal decisions in the state.
In the end, this election reflects much local concern about schools, taxes and public services. That is as it should be, but something else matters too. For paltry pay men and women of Indiana pursue public service that brings neither glory nor wealth, and often only vitriol and calumny. Regardless of what we think of their politics, we owe them thanks.

About the Author
What Is Government Inefficiency?Different levels of government concern themselves with different problems.
I Am Confused by Tax ProposalsIndiana, like almost every other government in the world, taxes three things: wealth, consumption and income.
The End of DEI and a Call to ActionHow can we ensure that everyone has equal access to schooling, health care and economic opportunity?
The Medicaid DilemmaFor every one new job created in Indiana since 2010, we’ve had more than two new people enroll in Medicaid.
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